Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman Announced Values of Fitrana and Fidya For 2025

Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, an identified religious scholar and former chairman of the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, has declared the minimum amounts for Sadaqa-e-Fitr (Fitrana) and Fidya for Ramadan 2025, establishing the per-person minimum at Rs240.

Mufti Muneeb stated that wealthy individuals ought to contribute to Fitrana, Fidya, and Kaffara in accordance with their financial means. He presented the Fidya rates according to various commodities:

Wheat flour: Rs 240 per individual
Barley: Rs.700 per person
Premium dates: Rs4,000 per person
Premium raisins: Rs.6,400 per person

Furthermore, Mufti Muneeb explained that the Kaffara, which is the compensation for breaking a fast, involves providing two meals to 60 individuals in need.

The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that charitable donations during Ramadan align with an individual’s financial capacity, thereby enhancing the assistance offered to those in need.

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